With respect to non-dramatic public performances of copyrighted compositions, it is the venue in which you perform, such as the concert hall or nightclub, which must secure the necessary performance licensing. Non-dramatic musical performing rights are licensed by the following societies, on behalf of the copyright owners: ASCAP (American Society Of Composers, Authors, and Publishers) https://www.ascap.com, BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.) https://www.bmi.com, SESAC Inc. https://www.sesac.com and GMR (Global Music Rights) https://www.globalmusicrights.com/.
Section 110 of the U.S. Copyright Act does allow the non-dramatic performance of musical works by schools or churches during the course of worship services or school functions, provided there is no purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage, no compensation is paid to the performers, promoters or organizers and no admission is charged for the performance. If admission is charged, all proceeds must be used only for educational or charitable purposes.
The musical arrangements of songs that originated in film or Broadway shows may only be presented in a non-dramatic, concert setting and not in any way as dramatizations of the film or musical itself. If you desire to stage a performance of a dramatic nature (e.g., acting out a scene or scenes from a movie or musical) you must obtain the prior consent of the copyright owner. Any unauthorized dramatizations of a song will subject the user to penalties provided by copyright law.